Paige is the owner, creator, and chef of Ready Roo! She currently lives in Austin, TX with her husband Dustin, and her three kids (6, 3, and 1). Paige has always been an entrepreneur and a creator, and she is passionate about feeding her family (and yours) the most nutritious, delicious foods. Paige has a business management degree and a minor in entrepreneurship. You will most likely find her chopping carrots in her kitchen, purposely dropping the odd one (or dozen) on the floor to keep her baby busy nibbling as opposed to reorganizing cupboards.
Breanna is Paige's right hand woman and Ready Roo's co-owner, working on marketing and content creation, among other things. Breanna lives north of Austin, TX with her husband William, and her four kids (6, 3, 1, and 1). No, that's not a typo, she's a twin mom! And her babies LOVE Ready Roo. Breanna has a degree in Elementary Education and has 13 years of experience in the world of Child Development. You will most likely find her changing a diaper. So. Many. Diapers.
We met in Baton Rouge, Louisiana while both our husbands attended school at LSU. We became new moms together and it became obvious that our different personalities and strengths make us a great team! We also happened to keep having kids at the same time, so that is an added bonus!
We love babies. We love moms. We want the best for YOU and YOUR babies. We saw an opportunity for organic, clean, convenient, on-the-go baby and toddler foods and went for it!
No matter what stage you are working through, our food can be eaten in a way that's Ready for your little Roo!
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